How to Seek Funding from Middletown Community Foundation:

Online Grant Application

  • March 1st
    Arts & Recreation, Event Sponsorships, and capital projects as they relate to the aforementioned.
  • March 1st
    Youth For Youth grant (previously named Fondersmith and Summertime for Kids). The Youth For Youth grant program is a special grant cycle offered each year for youth-serving programs and projects in our service area. Funding recommendations are made by local high school students who are members of MCF's Youth Philanthropy Council.
  • June 1st
    Education, Economic Development, and capital projects as they relate to the aforementioned.
  • September 1st
    Human Need and capital projects as they relate to the aforementioned.
  • Access the application via the link on the foundation's website, fill it out, and send it in.
  • Submit only one copy of the application.
  • Applications can be submitted in one of three cycles, with specific subject areas considered each time.
  • Organizations can apply only once a year, unless applying for a Summer program.
  • Your organization's legal name, address, and mission statement.
  • A narrative containing the project name, amount of funding sought, project budget, and project description.
  • Marketing and publicity plan.
  • A roster of trustees or directors.
  • IRS determination letter, Form 990 (or operating financial statement if not required to file a 990).
  • A signed grant agreement.
  • IRS-recognized 501(c)(3) nonprofit organizations may apply.
  • Organizations must be located in Middletown, Franklin, Monroe, Trenton, Lemon Township, or Madison Township.
  • Middletown Community Foundation does not fund individuals, for-profit companies, operating budgets, salaries, religious groups, political projects, endowments, or non-U.S. charities.
  • Collaborative projects are encouraged.
  • Applications should focus on meeting specific community needs.
  • Projects which foster the development of responsible young people in the community are also encouraged.
  • Staff review applications and assign them to a member of the foundation's Distribution Committee for investigation.
  • The investigator may schedule either a telephone call or an in-person visit with you to discuss your proposal further and seek additional information.
  • The application will then be presented to the Distribution Committee, which submits its recommendation to the Board of Trustees, which is held on the last week of quarter. You will receive written notice of the action taken on your request after the Board meeting, approximately within 2 weeks after the Board’s decision.
  • Should you be awarded a grant for your project/program, you will be sent an automated email from the grants application portal congratulating you with instructions on the next steps. 
  • You will also be sent a second automated email with a link to access the online portal to complete a follow up report.  These reports MUST be completed and returned within 9 months from your award date. 
  • As you approach the 9 months post award date, you will receive a two final "reminder" emails.  If we do not receive a follow up report, your organization is unfortunately NOT eligible for a grant until it's completed.
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